
The 2016 Open Government Awards


In 2016, OGP is taking one of its foundational values - Transparency – and asking applicants to show its real promise for both governments and citizens. Governments and government-controlled entities collect, commission and produce vast quantities of data and information as part of their day-to-day activities. When these are made transparent - readily available and accessible - citizens can creatively use, analyze, visualize and share them for public benefit. This can potentially lead to a wide range of impacts such as improved civic participation in public life, more efficient functioning of government and the creation of new services with social and commercial value. So what does transparency’s real promise look like for you? Did you use the right to information law in your country to hold your government accountable? Have you used government held data to develop an app that citizens widely use to better access public services? Did you help organize data in a way that makes government functioning more effective and save money?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, you could inspire us with your story! Here are a few things to keep in mind before making a submission:

First, submissions should be initiatives that were made possible as a result of the OGP process and/or commitments made in OGP National Action Plans. Alternatively, you can submit an initiative on this theme, as long as the theme is likely to be addressed in your country’s upcoming OGP National Action Plan. However, you would have to submit evidence from the government to this effect.

Second, submissions should be initiatives that were designed, implemented, and/or scaled up in partnership with government. Alternatively, initiatives that are not in direct partnership with government but are directly catalyzed by government action will also be considered.

Third, submissions should be able to demonstrate that as a result of proactive or reactive transparency in government data/information, one or more of the following examples of impacts were achieved. The submitted initiatives could demonstrate impact across a range of sectors or thematic areas.

  • Citizens were able to make more informed choices and decisions about their day-to-day life
  • Citizens were able to participate more actively and directly in public policy matters
  • Citizens were able to benefit from improved performance and/or better services from policymakers and service providers
  • Citizens were able to exercise greater oversight of the activities of policymakers and/or service providers and hold them accountable

To ensure a transparent and fair selection process, this website provides a detailed explanation of:

Between May 16th and June 27th, teams will register and indicate their desire to participate in OGA 2016. June 27th at 10:00 AM Pacific Time will mark the end of the REGISTRATION DEADLINE.

After the registration deadline, those teams will have an additional 5 weeks to complete their application. However, we strongly recommend that teams begin filling out the application immediately after registering.

The APPLICATION DEADLINE is August 10th at 10:00 AM Pacific Time. Once the deadline has passed, an administrative review before being distributed to the judges. All participants who have submitted a valid application will receive scores and comments from five of the judges.

After all judges have submitted their scores and comments, the OGP team will notify the winning teams by the first week of October 2016. The teams will be invited to attend the OGP Global Summit in Paris in December 2016. OGP co-chairs will exercise ultimate oversight over the Awards and be the final arbiter of decisions. These decisions will be made transparent.

If you have any specific questions, regarding this timeline or the application requirements, please contact OGP.